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- Dr Ivana Branković Lazić
Dr Ivana Branković Lazić

Viši naučni saradnik
Sektor za naučno-tehničku saradnju, razvoj i transfer tehnologija
Institut za higijenu i tehnologiju mesa (INMES)
Kaćanskog 13, 11040 Beograd, Srbija
Mob: +38164 23 73 274
Tel: +381 11 26 50 655
E-mail: ivana.brankovic@inmes.rs
2010– Diplomirani veterinar, Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Univerzitet u Beogradu
2015 – Doktor veterinarskih nauka, Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Univerzitet u Beogradu
2010 – 2011 –volonter pripravnik, Institut za higijenu i tehnologiju mesa
2011 – 2012 –pripravnik za istraživača, Institut za higijenu i tehnologiju mesa
2012 – 2013 –istraživač pripravnik, Institut za higijenu i tehnologiju mesa
2013 – 2017–istraživač saradnik, Institut za higijenu i tehnologiju mesa
2017– 2022 naučni saradnik, Institut za higijenu i tehnologiju mesa
2022 – viši naučni saradnik, Institut za higijenu i tehnologiju mesa
RADNO ISKUSTVO (hijerarhijski od prvog zaposlenja)
2010-2018 – saradnik u Sektoru za razvoj i transfer tehnologija
2018- 2020 – Zamenik pomoćnika direktora za razvoj i transfer tehnologija
2020– Pomoćnik direktora za naučno-tehničku saradnju
2017 – Član organizacionog odbora na međunarodnoj naučnoj konferenciji: 59th International Meat Industry Conference „BETTER FOOD – BETTER LIFE“,
- 2019 – Potpredsednik međunarodnog programskog odbora na međunarodnoj naučnoj konferenciji: 60th International Meat Industry Conference „SAFE FOOD FOR HEALTHY FUTURE“
- 2021 – Potpredsednik međunarodnog programskog odbora na međunarodnoj naučnoj konferenciji: 61th International Meat Industry Conference „HEALTHY FOOD FOR PRESENT AND FUTURE“
- Učešću u komisijama za ocenu i odbranu doktorskih disertacija
- Član Srpskog veterinarskog društva
- Generalni sekretar Saveta tehnologa industrije mesa
- Član Upravnog odbora Instituta za higijenu i tehnologiju mesa
Bezbednost i kvalitet hrane animalnog porekla.
- Đorđević, M. Bošković, M. Dokmanović, Branković Lazić, T. Ledina, B. Suvajdžić, M.Z. Baltic „Vacuum and modified atmosphere packaging effection Enterobacteriaceae behaviour in minced meat”, 2017, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 41, cit:17
- Đordjević, M. Bošković, M. Starčević, J. Ivanović, Ne. Karabasil, M. Dimitrijević, I. Branković Lazić, M. Ž Baltić “Survival of Salmonellaspp. in minced meat packaged under vacuum and modified atmosphere“, 2018, Braz. J. Microbiol. vol.49 no.3 São Paulo, cit:12
- Popović, D. Nedić, B. Pećanac, V. Đorđević, T. Baltić, I. Branković Lazić & J. Ćirić “The toxic element concetration in fish tissues from Saničani lake, an urban environment, in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, 2019,. Biological Trace Element Research, vol. 170, ISSN 0163-4984, DOI: 10.1007/s12011-019-01982-2, cit:3
- Djordjevic, M. Boskovic, I. Brankovic Lazic, V. Djordjevic, T. Baltic, M. Laudanovic, M.Z. Baltic „Spoilage-releted bacteria of pork and beef meat under vacuum and modified atmosphere“ , 2019, Rom Biotechnol Lett. , 24(4): 658-668. DOI: 10.25083/rbl/24.4/658.668, cit:1
- Jovanović, I. Branković-Lazić, T. Baltić, M. Jovanović, V. Đorđević, V. Teodorović, B. Velebit “The prevalence of four virulence genes in strains of Campylobacter jejuni isolated from broilers in Serbia” , 2020, Veterinarski arhiv, 90, 1, 39-45,
- Ćirić, D. Spirić, T. Baltić, I. Branković Lazić, D. Trbović, N. Parunović, R. Petronijević, V. Đorđević “Honey Bees and Their Products as Indicators of Environmental Element Deposition”, 2020, Biological Trace Element Research, 199 (8-9)
- Mrdovic, M. Raseta, I. Brankovic-Lazic, M. Milijasevic, B. Baltic, I. Nastasijevic “Pigs and cattle slaughter process hygiene in a large-scale and small-scale abattoir: A report from one county in Serbia”, 2017, Meat Technolgy, 58, 2, 65-72
- Raseta, I. Brankovic-Lazic, B. Mrdovic, Z. Beckei „Determination of weight loss and temperature of broiler carcasses during air cooling with intermitten water spraying-case study”, 2017, Meat Technolgy, 58, 2, 88-92, cit:1
- Raseta, I. Brankovic Lazic, S. Lilic, N. Katanic, N. Parunovic, V. Koricanac, J. Jovanovic „Partial replacement of sodium chloride with potassium chloride or ammonium chloride in a prepared meal-cooked peas with pork burger“, 2018, Meat Technology 59 2, 114-119, cit: 2
- Nastasijevic, B. Lakicevic, M. Raseta, V. Z Djordjevic, V. Jankovic, B. Mrdovic, I. Brankovic-Lazic “Evaluation of pig welfare in lairage and process hygiene in a single abattoir”, 2018, Meat Technology 59 1, 8-22, cit: 1
- Nikolić, M. Babić, J. Jovanović, N. Čobanović, I. Branković Lazić, L. Milojević, N. Parunović. „Effect of broiler slaughter weight on meat yield and quality“, 2019, Meat Technology 60 1, 17 – 23. UDK: 637.51ʼ65.053
- Brankovic Lazic, J. Jovanovic, S. Simunovic, M. Raseta, D. Trbovic, T. Baltic, J. Ciric „Evaluation of sensory and chemical parameters of fermented sausages”, 2019, Meat Technolgy, 60,2, 84-90
- Raseta, I. Brankovic Lazic, B. Mrdovic, B. Baltic, B.Zsolt, V. Djordjevic „Optimization of liver pate sterilization from the aspect of preserving nutritional value and ensuring food safety”, 2019, Meat Technolgy, 60,2, 97-105
- Betic, I. Brankovic Lazic, I. Nastasijevic „Biological hazards in the pork chain continuum: Risk mitigation strategy”, 2019, Meat Technolgy, 60,2, 106-120
- Djordjevic, T. Baltic, D. Sarcevic, I. Brankovic Lazic, J. Ciric „Consumer attitude and quality assessment of cooked sausages in Serbia“, 2019, Meat Technolgy, 60,2,128-133
- Lilić, D. Vranić, V. Korićanac, I. Branković Lazić, J. Jovanović, B. Lakićević „Water activity and some chemical parameters in dry pork produced with less amount of sodium chloride”, 2016, III International Congress „Food Technology, Quality and Safety“, Proceedings, 92-95
- Jovanović, R.B. Petronijević, M. Lukić, D. Karan, N. Parunović, I. Branković-Lazić “Verification of rapid method for estimation of added food colorant type in boiled sausages based on measurement of cross section color”, 2017, The 59th International Meat Industry Conference MEATCON, Zlatibor, Serbia, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 85
- Jovanovic, B. Velebit, A. Nikolic, I. Brankovic Lazic, J. Babic Milijasevic, B. Mrdovic, M. Raseta. „Assessment of process hygiene in take-away restaurants at gas stations in Serbia”, 2019, The 60th International Meat Industry Conference MEATCON 2019. September 2019, Kopaonik, Serbia. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 333 012067. doi: 10.1088/1755-1315/333/1/012067 Link: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/333/1/012067
- Brankovic Lazic, S. Lilic, J. Jovanovic, M. Raseta, B. Mrdovic, D. Trbovic, I. Nastasijevic. „Assessment of sensory and chemical parameters of tea sausage“, 2019, The 60th International Meat Industry Conference MEATCON 2019. September 2019, Kopaonik, Serbia. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 333, 012048. doi: 10.1088/1755-1315/333/1/012048 Link: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/333/1/012048,
- Mrdovic, I. Nastasijevic, I. Brankovic Lazic, J. Jovanovic, A. Nikolic, Z. Petrovic, M. Raseta. „Examination of meat preparations in order to control process hygiene in retail“, 2019, The 60th International Meat Industry Conference MEATCON 2019. September 2019, Kopaonik, Serbia. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 333, 012083. doi: 10.1088/1755-1315/333/1/012083 Link: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/333/1/012083
- Raseta, J. Jovanovic, I. Brankovic Lazic, D.. Trbovic, B Mrdovic, Z. Beckei, V. Djordjevic. „Problems in determining the nutrition declaration for unpacked meat products – example of domestic cooked sausage“, 2019, The 60th International Meat Industry Conference MEATCON 2019. September 2019, Kopaonik, Serbia. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 333, 012097. doi: 10.1088/1755-1315/333/1/012097 Link: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/333/1/012097,
- Baltic, J. Ciric, I. Brankovic Lazic, D. Ljubojevic Pelic, R. Mitrovic, V. Djordjevic and N. Parunovic „Packing as a tool to improve the self life of poultry meat“, 2019, The 60th International Meat Industry Conference MEATCON 2019. September 2019, Kopaonik, Serbia. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 333, 012044. DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/333/1/012044
- M. Baltic, J. Janjic, I. Brankovic Lazic, B. Mrdovic, J. Ciric, R. Markovic and R. Mitrovic „Relationships between broiler final weights and microbiota of certain segments of the intestine“, 2019, The 60th International Meat Industry Conference MEATCON 2019. September 2019, Kopaonik, Serbia. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 333, 012045. DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/333/1/012045, cit:1
- Lilic, D. Nikolic, I. Brankovic Lazic, B. Borovic, B. Baltic, V. Koricanac and D. Vranic „Sodium and potassium contents and ratios in pork stews produced with lower amounts of sodium chloride“, 2019, The 60th International Meat Industry Conference MEATCON 2019. September 2019, Kopaonik, Serbia. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 333, 012074. DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/333/1/012074
- Nastasijevic, I. Brankovic Lazic, Z. Petrovic „Precision livestock farming in the context of meat safety assurance system“, 2019, The 60th International Meat Industry Conference MEATCON 2019. September 2019, Kopaonik, Serbia. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 333, 012014. DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/333/1/012014, cit:1
- M Baltic, A Rajcic, M Laudanovic, S Nesic, T Baltic, J Ciric, I Brankovic Lazic „Wooden breast – a novel myopathy recognized in broiler chickens“, 2019, The 60th International Meat Industry Conference MEATCON 2019. September 2019, Kopaonik, Serbia. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 333, 012037 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/333/1/012037, cit:5
- Lilic, I. Brankovic Lazic, D. Karan, J. Babic, M. Lukic, D. Nikolic, M. Raseta “Effect of sodium chloride reduction in dry fermented sausages on sensory quality parameters and instrumentally measured colour”, 2016, Meat Technolgy, 57,1, 22-26, cit:4
- Petrovic, I. Brankovic-Lazic „Effect of modified atmosphere on sensory, chemical and physico-chemical properties of Serbian traditional smoked meat products“, 2016, Meat Technolgy, 57,1,5-10
- Lilic, I. Brankovic Lazic, D. Vranic, V. Koricanac, D. Nikolic, B. Borovic, B. Velebit “Proximate composition, water activity and sodium and potassium content in dry fermented sausages with reduced salt content“, 2016, Meat Technolgy, 57,2,110-114
- Raseta, B. Mrdović, V. Đorđević, V. Polaček, B. Zsolt, I. Branković Lazić, D. Vasilev “Determination of Co-value as an indicator of nutritive value of pâté sterilised by regular and optimized regime”, 2018, Vetzerinarski glasnik, 72, 2, 101-111, cit:2
- Trbović, M. Lukić, R. Petronijević, B. Lakicević, M. Rašeta, I. Branković Lazić, N. Parunović, “Evaluation of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid content in various foods: health impact assessment”, 2020, Meat Technology, 61 (174—178)
- Ćirić, V.Đorđević, D. Trbović, T. Baltić, I.Branković Lazić, K. Matović, S. Janković, N.Parunović “Risk assessment of toxic elements in acacia honey”, 2020, Meat Technology, 61 (70-74), cit:3
- M. Rašeta, I. Branković Lazić, B. Mrdović, B. Zsolt, M. Savić, M. Grubić, J.Jovanović, “Nutritional score of meat products at retail in Serbia”, 2020, Meat Technology, 61 (54-61)
- M. Bošković, N. Parunović, M. Rašeta, B. Velebit, I. Branković Lazić, T. Baltić, 2019, „Jaja obogaćena konjugovanom linolnom kiselinom“ .
- M. Milijašević, I. Branković Lazić, J. Babić Milijašević, M. Rašeta, R. Petronijević, Mirjana Lukić, B. Baltić, 2020, “Tunino salama od fileta tune”.
- S. Lilić, I. Branković Lazić, M. Rašeta, B. Borović, B. Velebit, J. Babić , S. Stefanović, 2017, „Fermentisana suva kobasica sa smanjenim sadržajem natrijuma“ .
- S. Lilić, I. Branković Lazić, D. Vranić, V. Đorđević, S. Janković, B. Lakićević, M. Milijašević, 2017, „Suvo svinjsko meso sa smanjenim sadržajem natrijuma“.
- B. Borović, S. Lilić, J. Babić Milijašević, I. Branković Lazić, M. Milijašević, T. Baltić, R. Mitrović, 2018, „Posebna kobasica – fino usitnjena barena kobasica sa smanjenim sadržajem natrijuma hlorida“.