11. July 2016.

The defense of the doctoral dissertationof MSc Radmila Mitrović

At the Department of Hygiene and Technology of Food of Animal Origin, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, of the University of Belgrade, Radmila Mitrović, a Research Associate of the Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, defended her doctoral thesis entitled “Investigation of possibilities for inactivation of Yersinia enterocolica in fermented sausages.” The committee for the defence of the thesis included following members: prof. Dr. Milan Ž. Baltić, PhD, chairman and mentor, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine; prof. Dr. Vlado Teodorović, PhD, full professor, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine; Dr. Jelena Ivanović, PhD, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Dr. Vesna Djordjevic, PhD, Senior research associate of the Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology.
