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- Tatjana Radicevic
Tatjana Radicevic

Principal technical associate
Department of residues testing
Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology (INMES)
Kaćanskog 13, 11040 Belgrade, Serbia
Мob: +381 69 677 471
Тel: +381 11 26 50 655
Fax: +381 11 26 51 825
E-mail: tatjana.radicevic@inmes.rs
2002 – Master of Biochemistry Science – Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade
(Biochemical characterization of myofibrillar proteins of carp tissue (Aristichthys nobilis Richardson) important for the product quality)
1994 – Graduated Biochemist, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade
2016 – Advisor, INMES
2010 – 2016 – Senior associate, INMES
2003 – 2010 – Research assistant, INMES
1997 – 2003 – Research trainee, Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology – INMES
2009 -Deputy Head of the Department of residues testing
1996 – 2009 – associate, Department of residues testing
Elaboration, validation and application of methods of instrumental chemical analysis of chemotherapeutics and environmental pollution in the tissues and organs of animals, food, feed and products of general purpose. Determining the degree of contamination of food with toxic substances, mechanisms of toxicity and assessment of risk imposed by contaminants on health.
Saša Janković, Marijana Ćurčić, Tatjana Radičević, Srđan Stefanović, Mirjana Lenhardt, Ksenija Durgo, Biljana Antonijević. Non-dioxin-like PCBs in ten different fish species from the Danube river in Serbia. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment; 2011; 181; 1-4; p. 153-163.
Spirić Danka M., Đinović Jasna M., Janković Vesna V., Velebit Branko M., Radičević Tatjana M., Stefanović Srđan M., Janković Saša D. Study of aflatoxins incidence in cow feed and milk during 2013. Hemijska industrija; 2014; p.87-97 DOI 10.2298/HEMIND 1406190875.
Janković, Aurelija Spirić, Tatjana Radičević, S. Stefanović. Monitoring rezidua u životinjama i primarnim proizvodima animalnog porekla. Veterinarski glasnik; 2008; 62; 5-6; p. 383-394.
Radičević Tatjana, Raičević Smiljana and Niketić Vesna: Bighead carp myosin stability to heat and frozen storage (Stabilnost miozina sivog tolstolobika pri termičkoj obradi i skladištenju u zamrznutom stanju). Acta Veterinaria, 2002, Vol. 52, No. 2-3, 151-162.