
11. May 2018.

Посета студентата Факултета ветеринарске медицине Институту за хигијену и технологију меса

Студенти друге године основних студија Факултета ветеринарске медицине Универзитета у Београду, са предмета Молекуларно-генетске методе у ветерини у пратњи професорке др Јевросиме Стевановић посетили су Институт за хигијену и технологију меса. Том приликом су обишли Лабораторију за биотехнолошка истраживања и контролу безбедности и квалитета хране и упознали се са стандардима и радом свих одељења, а […]

21. November 2017.

The Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology is awarded the plaque

On the occasion of 90 year anniversary of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University “Saint Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje, prof. Dr. Lazo Pendovski, Dean of the Faculty, presented Dr. Vesna Đordjević, Director of the Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, with a plaque as a sign of gratitude for the long-term successful […]

24. April 2017.

State Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development Vladimir Popovic and Viktor Nedovic visited Institue of Meat Hygiene and Technology

State secretary of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia Vladimir Popovic and Viktor Nedic visited Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology. On this occasion, director of Institute Vesna Djordjevic spoke about the importance of long tradition, as well as development, scientific research and laboratory potential of Institute. After […]

7. April 2017.

Deputy Minister for Education, Science and Technological Development Nikola Tanic visited Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology

Deputy Ministry for Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of  Serbia Nikola Tanic visited Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology. He was introduced with scientific research, developmenet and laboratory potential of the Institute. Director Vesna Djordjevic with associates presented the importan role of Institute in monitoring of current global trends and applaying knowledge […]