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- Д-р Радмила Митрович
Д-р Радмила Митрович

Department of microbiological and molecular-biology research
Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology (INMES)
Kaćanskog 13, 11040 Belgrade, Serbia
Мob: +381 65 82 22 336
Тel: +381 11 26 50 655
Fax: +381 11 26 51 825
E-mail: radmila.mitrovic@inmes.rs
2016 — PhD of Veterinary Sciences, The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, The University of Belgrade, PhD Thesis: The examination of the possibility of inactivation of Yersinia enterocolitica in fermented sausages.
2014 – MSc. of Veterinary Sciences, The Faculty of Agriculture — Department of Veterinary Medicine, The University of Novi Sad
2004 — Specialist in food microbiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, The University of Belgrade
1998 — Passed the professional exam (Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of The Republic of Serbia)
1996 — Graduate veterinarian for food hygiene of animal origin, The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, The University of Belgrade
2017 – 2024 – Research associate, INMES;
2014 – 2016 – Research assistant, INMES;
2004 – 2014 – Research specialist, INMES;
1997 – 2004 – Researcher professional associate, INMES;
1996 – 1997 – Researcher prentice, INMES;
2004 – 2008 — Head of the Department of Microbiological and Immunoenzymatic Testing
1996 – 2004; 2009 – 2024 — Associate in the Department of Microbiological and Immunoenzymatic Testing/Department of Microbiology and Molecular Biology
Member of the Serbian Veterinary Society;
Member of the Veterinary Chamber of Serbia;
Member of the Association of Medical Microbiologists of Serbia;
Member of the Commission for Standards and Related Documents KS E034-9 Microbiology and Biotechnology of the Institute for Standardization of Serbia.
Member of the International Program Committee of the 62nd International Meat Industry Conference (MEATCON2023) and 61and International Meat Industry Conference (MEATCON2021).
Reviewer of scientific papers for a national journal of international importance Meat Technology (M24).
2022-2024: Development and Integration of Multiplex Microfluidic Biosensors for Meat Safety monitoring in farm-to-slaughterhouse continuum (DIBMES), [Grant Agreement TTP 1125], programme `IDEAS` of the Science Fund, Republic of Serbia through the project “Microfluidic Lab-on-a-Chip platform for fast detection of pathogenic bacteria using novel electrochemical aptamer-based biosensors (MicroLabAptaSense)” [Grant Agreement No. 7750276], and by the contract on realization and financing of scientific research signed between Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovations, Republic of Serbia and Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology [Contract No. 451-03-47/2023-01/200050, from 03.02.2023]. Participants: Institute for Hygiene and Meat Technology — Belgrade, Biosense Institute — Novi Sad and Micalis Institute, INRAE, AgroParisTech, Universitete Paris-Saclay. Project manager Ivan Nastasijević, Ph.D. (INMES). Position: project researcher
2020-2022 – Development and Integration of Microfluidic Biosensors for Meat Safety monitoring in farm-to-slaughterhouse continuum (DIBMES), ID 5524. Participants: Institute for Hygiene and Meat Technology — Belgrade, Biosense Institute — Novi Sad and Micalis Institute, INRAE, AgroParisTech, Universitete Paris-Saclay. Project manager Ivan Nastasijević, Ph.D. Position: project researcher
2019 – 2023 – COST Action CA18113: Understanding ans exploiting the impacts of low pH on micro-organisms. Position: Deputy MC.
2007 – 2012 – ProSafeBeef (Food CT-2006-36241), EU Commission FP6 (Research Associate, Pilar 2: Control and intervention strategies, which can be implemented along the fork-to-farm chain to ensure safe beef; WP2.3 — Slaughter Strategies; Task 2.3.1., Hide decontamination, Leader Prof. dr Sava Buncic. Position: Project researcher.
2002 – Programme INCO-DEV; Project Title „Safety of traditional fermented sausages: Research on protective cultures and bacteriocins“, ЕU — Contract Number: ICA4-CT- 2002-10037, Leader: dr Tadić, R. Position: Project researcher.
Microbiological safety of food and animal feed, through the «farm to fork» concept and risk assessment of pathogenic microorganisms for human health through the LISA concept. Creation of generic models for prerequisite programs (GMP/GHP) and HACCP plans in the meat industry. Food and feed microbiology, rapid methods for detection of pathogens, risk assessment of pathogenic microorganisms (E. coli O157, Yersinia, Salmonella, Staph aureus).
Development, validation, verification and application of methods in microbiological work in order to examine microbiological, mycological and mycotoxicological contamination of food and animal feed, assessment of residues, histamine, contaminants originating from the environment, the impact of nutrition on health and quality, with the application of European and national regulations.
- Milojevic, L., Velebit, B., Jankovic, V., Mitrovic, R., Betic, N., Simunovic, S., Dimitrijevic, M. (2024). Prevalence, Genetic Diversity, and Quantification of the RNA Genome of the Hepatitis E Virus in Slaughtered Pigs in Serbia. Animals 2024, 14, 586. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani14040586.
- Kundacina, M. Kukkar, I. Nastasijevic, S. Jankovic, Mitrovic and V. Radonic, (2023) «Rapid and Cost-Effective Fabrication of Biosensors for Salmonella Detection,» 2023 IEEE SENSORS, Vienna, Austria, 2023, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/SENSORS56945.2023.10325027.
- Ivan Nastasijevic, Milica Glisic, Milan Milijasevic, Sasa Jankovic, Radmila Mitrovic, Jelena Babic Milijasevic, Marija Boskovic Cabrol (2022). Biosecurity and Lairage Time versus Pork Meat Quality Traits in a Farm–Abattoir Continuum. Animals 2022, 12(23), 3382; https://doi.org/10.3390/ani12233382.
- Popović, M., Baltić, M. Ž., Gusman, V., Anđelković, R., Velicki, R., Bjelanović, J., Mitrović, R., & Janjić, J. (2022). Hygiene status of food contact surfaces in public school canteens in the city of Novi Sad, Serbia. Vojnosanitetski pregled, (00), 50-50. https://doi.org/10.2298/VSP200521050P
- Mahmutović H., Memić E., Bašić M., Tasić A., Rajčić A., Mitrović R., Baltić B., (2022). Uticaj izvora ulja u ishrani koka nosilja na proizvodne rezultate 27. godišnje savjetovanje doktora veterinarske medicine Republike Srpske (Bosna i Hercegovina), naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem, Zbornik radova 281-284
- R R Mitrovic, V V Jankovic, J S Ciric, V Z Djordjevic, Z Lj Juric, M R Mitrovic-Stanivuk and B M Baltic (2021). Chemical quality parameters (water, protein, fat, NaCl ash and nitrites) in fermented sausage with the addition of Yersinia enterocolitica. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 854 (2021) 012061. IOP Publishing, 61st International Meat Industry Conference doi:10.1088/1755-1315/854/1/012061.
- Lakicevic B., Biase De D., B Velebit, R Mitrovic, V Jankovic, L Milojevic and W Ruppitsch (2021). Stress survival islets contribute to clonal and serotype-specific differences in L. monocytogenes. The 61st International meat Industry Conference-MeatCon 2021, Zlatibor, September 26-29, 2021.1921
- Branislav M. Baltić, Ivana Branković Lazić, Boris Mrdovic, Vesna Djordjević, Radmila Marković, Radmila Mitrović, Jelena Janjić (2021). Relationships between broiler final weights and histomorphometric parameters of certain segments of the intestine. The 61st International Meat Industry Conference. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 854 (2021) 012006.
- Ksenija Nesic, Radmila Mitrovic and Radmila Markovic (2021). Categorization of animal feed according to microbiological quality — preferable improvement in the food chain. The 61st International Meat Industry Conference MEATCON2021, September 2021, Zlatibor, Serbia. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 854 (012065).
- Nastasijevic, I., Mitrovic, R., Jankovic, S. (2021). Biosensors for animal health and meat safety monitoring: farm-to-slaughterhouse continuum. The 61st International Meat Industry Conference MEATCON 2021. September 2021, Zlatibor, Serbia. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 854, 012063. doi: 10.1088/1755-1315/854/1/012063.
- Snežana Ivanović, Marija Pavlović, Ivan Pavlović, Božidar Savić, Ksenija Nešić, Radmila Mitrović, Branislav Baltić (2021). Meat quality parameters of wild boar and commercial pig breeds. Meat Technology Vol 62 No 1, 1-13.
- Jankovic V., Velebit B., Lakicevic B., Mitrovic R. and Milojevic L. (2021) Food allergens–food safety hazard. The 61st International Мeat Industry Conference-MeatCon 2021, Zlatibor, September 26-29, 2021. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/854/1/012038.
- Vesna Janković, Brankica Lakićević, Radmila Mitrović, Branko Velebit, Lazar Milojević (2020). „Campylobacter Contamination in Broiler Meat in Serbia during 2017-2020“, FEMS on-line konferencija Mikrobiologija 2020, 28-31. oktobar, Beograd.
- Slaven Grbić, Mirjana Lovrenović, Jelena Janjić, Branislav Baltić, Nataša Kilibarda, Radmila Mitrović, Milan Ž. Baltić (2020). Ispitivanje razloga opredeljenja potrošača pri izboru mesa. 25. godišnje savjetovanje doktora veterinarske medicine Republike Srpske (Bosna i Hercegovina), naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem, Zbornik radova 87-88.
- Janjic J., Ciric J., Grbic S., Boskovic M., Glisic M., Mitrovic R., Radosavac A., Baltic Z. M. (2019) Reduction of microbiota in marinated vacuum-packaged poultry breast fillets, Meat Technology; 60 (1), 1-7.
- V V Jankovic, J Popov Raljic, R R Mitrovic, B M Velebit, B Z Lakicevic and L Z Milojevic, (2019) — Serbia Managing allergies in food service, The 60 th International meat Industry Conference-MeatCon 2019, Kopaonik, September 22-25, 2019, IOP Conf.Ser:Earth Environ. Sci 333 012040.
- R R Mitrovic, V V Jankovic, J S Ciric, V Z Djordjevic, Z Lj Juric, M R Mitrovic-Stanivukand B M Baltic, (2019) — Physical properties (pH and aw value) of fermented sausages inoculated with Yersinia enterocolitica, The 60 th International meat Industry Conference-MeatCon 2019, Kopaonik, September 22-25, 2019, IOP Conf.Ser:Earth Environ. Sci 333 0120814.
- M Popovic, R Velicki, Lj Torovic, J Bjelanovic, J Janjic, R Mitrovicand M Z Baltic, (2019) — Novel paradigms linking salt and health, The 60 th International meat Industry Conference-MeatCon 2019, Kopaonik, September 22-25, 2019, IOP Conf.Ser:Earth Environ. Sci 333 012036.
- B M Baltic, J Janjic, I Brankovic Lazic, B Mrdovic, J Ciric, R Markovic and R Mitrovic, (2019) — Relationships between broiler final weights and microbiota of certain segments of the intestine The 60 th International meat Industry Conference-MeatCon 2019, Kopaonik, September 22-25, 2019, IOP Conf.Ser:Earth Environ. Sci 333 012045.
- T Baltic, J Ciric, I Brankovic Lazic, D Ljubojevic Pelic, R Mitrovic, V Djordjevic and N Parunovic, (2019) — Packaging as a tool to improve the shelf life of poultry meat, The 60 th International meat Industry Conference-MeatCon 2019, Kopaonik, September 22-25, 2019, IOP Conf.Ser:Earth Environ. Sci 333 12044.