All posts by: ana

About ana
21. November 2017.

The Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology is awarded the plaque

On the occasion of 90 year anniversary of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University “Saint Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje, prof. Dr. Lazo Pendovski, Dean of the Faculty, presented Dr. Vesna Đordjević, Director of the Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, with a plaque as a sign of gratitude for the long-term successful […]

8. November 2017.

Veterans’ Service Day of the Serbian Armed Forces marked

On the 1st of November 2017, the 166th anniversary of the Veterinary service of the Serbian Army, 70 year anniversary of Veterinary Service Centre and 60 year anniversary of the Dog training breeding and dressage service were marked at the ceremonial gathering at the Garda House in Topčider. Representatives of the Institute of Meat Hygiene […]

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