Драгица Николич

Research Assistant

Department for residues testing

Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology  (INMES)

Kaćanskog 13, 11040 Belgrade, Serbia
E-mail: dragica.nikolic@inmes.rs




2011 / 2012- enrolled into doctoral studies at the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade; direction Chemicals

2009- Graduated engineer, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade


Research experience:

2014 – Research Assistant

2012-2014 – Research trainee

2011-2012 – Trainee for researcher


Work experience:

Since January 2011 employee of the Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, Belgrade, in the Department for residues testing.


Other activities:


Area of scientific research:

Determination of heavy metals, micro and macro-elements in meat and meat products, and other food stuffs of animal origin using AAS and ICP/MS techniques. Determination of veterinary medicines using LC/MS/MS methods.


Selected papers:

Jovičić K, Nikolić D, Višnjić-Jeftić Ž, Đikanoić V, Skorić S, Stefanović S, Lenhardt M, Hegediš A, Krpo-Ćetković J, Jarić I. 2014. Mapping differential elemental accumulation in fish tissues: assesment of metal and trace element concentrations in wels catfish (Silurus glanis) from the Danube River by ICP-MS. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, DOI 10.1007/s11356-014-3636-7;

Petrović Z, Teodorović V, Dimitrijević M, Borozan S, Beuković M, Nikolić D, SpirićA. 2013. Enviromental cadmium and zinc concentrations in liver and kidney of European hare from different Serbian regions. Hemijska industrija 67(4) 593-599;

Đinović Stojanović J, Stišović J, Popović A, Nikolić D, Janković S. 2015. Benzo[a]pyrene, benz[a]anthracene, benzo[b]fluoranthene and chrysene in smoked meat and smoked meat products: Validation of the method. Hemijska industrija, DOI: 10.2298/HEMIND150331035D;

Janković S, Antonijević B, Ćurčić M, Radičević T, Stefanović S, Nikolić D, Ćupić V. 2012. Assestment of mercury intake associated with fish consumption in Serbia. Tehnologija mesa, 53 (1): 56-61;

Janković S, Nikolić D, Stefanović S, Radičević T, Spirić D17., Petrović Z. 2013. Procena unosa kadmijuma hranom u Srbiji. Tehnologija mesa, 54 (2): 123-129;

Petrović Z, Milićević D, Vranić D, Đinović-Stojanović J, Nikolić D, Lukić M, Milijašević M. 2014. Ispitivanje sadržaja olova u divljim zečevima sakupljenih u blizini autoputa E70 na području Sremskog okruga. Tehnologija mesa, 55(1), 66-72;

Đinović-Stojanović J, Nikolić D, Stefanović S, Petrović Z, Jaković S. 2014. Zinc content in different types of meat from the Serbian market. 2nd International Congress Food Technology, Quality and Safety. Novi Sad, Serbia, 28.-30.10.2014. Conference Proceedings, 139-142;

Lilić S, Matekalo-Sverak V, Vranić D, Karan D, Rašeta M, Nikolić D, Lukić M. 2014. Possibility of use of potassium chloride in the fresh sausages production. 2ndInternational Congress Food Technology, Quality and Safety. Novi Sad, Serbia, 28.-30.10.2014. Conference Proceedings, 55-59;

Stefanović S, Spirić D, Petronijevic R, Nedeljković Trailović J, Milićević D, Nikolić D, Janković S. 2015. Comparison of two analytical methods (ELISA and LC-MS/MS) for determination of aflatoxin B1 in corn and aflatoxin M1 in milk. 58th Meat Industry Conference “Meat Safety and Quality: Where it goes?” Zlatibor, Serbia, 4-7.10.2015. Procedia Food Science 5, 270 – 273;

Vranić D, Nikolić D, Korićanac V, Stanišić N, Lilić S, Đinović-Stojanović J, Parunović N. 2015. Chemical composition and cholesterol content in M. longissimus dorsi from free-range reared Swallow-belly Mangalitsa: the effect of gender. 58th Meat Industry Conference “Meat Safety and Quality: Where it goes?” Zlatibor, Serbia, 4-7.10.2015. Procedia Food Science 5, 316 – 319;

Nikolić D, Stanišić N, Radović Č, Đinović-Stojanović J, Janković S, Stefanović S, Laušević M. 2015. Comparison of essential metals content in imported and domestic pork in Serbia. 4th International Congress, “New perspectives and challenges of sustainable livestock production”. Belgrade, Serbia, 7 – 9.10. 2015. Proceedings, 686-692;

Đinović-Stojanović J, Nikolić D, Stefanović S, Vranić D, Milijašević M, Babić J, Janković S. 2015. Mercury in different marine fish species on Serbian market. VII International Conference “Water & Fish”. Belgrade, Serbia, 10-12. 6.2015. Conference proceeding, 226-230;

Jovičić K, Višnjić-Jeftić Ž, Skorić S, Smederevac-Lalić M, Nikolić D, Đikanović V, Jarić I, Lenhardt M, Hegedis A. 2015. Assessment of the metal and trace element contents in tissues of four commercial fish species from the Danube River, Belgrade. VII International Conference “Water & Fish”. Belgrade, Serbia, 10-12.6.2015. Conference proceeding, 94-100.