D-r Slobodan Lilič

Senior research associate

Department of sample reception and issuing of laboratory reports

Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology (INMES)

Kaćanskog 13, 11040 Belgrade, Serbia
Mob:      +381 63 1060 759
Tel:        +381 11 26 50 655
Fax:     +381 11 26 51 825
E-mail: slobodan.lilic@inmes.rs



2007 – Doctor of Medical Sciences – Veterinary Medicine

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade

(Investigation of the effect of broiler infection with protozoa Eimeria tenella on production results of fattening chickens and some meat quality parameters)

2000 – Master of Veterinary Science

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade

(Investigation of major factors of importance for the sustainability and quality of dried pork)

1995 – Graduated veterinarian, field of Veterinary Medicine

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade



1997-2005 – Research trainee, INMES

2005-2008 – Research assistant, INMES

2008-2013 – Research associate, INMES

2013-danas – Senior research associate, INMES


Participation in scientific-research projects

2008-2009 “Improving the safety management system and quality in the manufacturing process of traditional meat products of protected geographical origin“, Project No. 20121

2008-2010 “Sustainability of the chain of mass food production”, Project No. 20066

2011-2016 “Improving and development of new technological processes in the manufacture of food of animal origin in order to obtain high quality and safe products competitive on international market,” Project No.III 46009


Management/Leading of scientific research projects

2011-2016 “Reducing the sodium content in meat products – technological possibilities, quality characteristics and health aspects”, Project No. TR 31083



2015-2016 – Senior Researcher in the Department for reception of samples and issuing of laboratory reports

2010-2015 – Assistant Director for Biotechnological Development (Head of the Laboratory for biotechnological research and control of food safety and quality)

2008-2010 – Deputy Head of the Department of scientific and technical cooperation

2008 – Researcher in the Department of scientific and technical cooperation

2007-2008. – Deputy Director of the Laboratory Sector

2004-2007 – Head of Department for reception of samples and issuing of laboratory reports.

2002-2004 – Research trainee in the Department of organoleptic

2001-2002 – Head of Department for reception of samples and issuing of laboratory reports

1997-2001 – Research trainee in the Department of Meat Hygiene and Technology, quality control and organoleptic testing with experimental workshop

1996-1997 – Trainee in the Department of Meat Hygiene and Technology, quality control and organoleptic testing with experimental workshop



Sensory evaluator of meat and meat products at the Novi Sad Fair

Chairman of the Program Committee of the 57th International Conference of the Meat Industry, Belgrade, 2013.

Member of the Editorial board of the journal “Food and Feed Research”, published by the Institute for Food Technology, Novi Sad

Member of the Serbian Association of Food Technologists

Member of the international professional association Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschafts (DLG), Frankfurt am Main, and also sensory assessor/evaluator of said association

Completed the cours „2002 China TCDC International Training Course on Processing of Chinese and Western Style Meat Products“in the CMRC  -China Meat Research Centre, 2002, Bejing, People’s Republic of China (recipient of the fellowship of the Government of the People’s Republic of China)

Study visit to the Department of Animals Science, College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Science, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 2008

(Recipient of the Norman Bourlaug fellowship (The Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellows Program), USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) Washington)

Consulting with food business operators



Safety and quality of food of animal origin, sensory assessment, reduction of salt and sodium content in meat products, the development of new meat products with reduced sodium content



Lilić Slobodan, Matekalo-Sverak Vesna (2011)

Salt reduction in meat products – challenge for meat industry – invited paper

56th International Meat Industry Conference, 12th-15th June, Tara, Serbia

Tehnologija mesa, Volume 52, 1, 22-30

Slobodan Lilić, Vesna Matekalo-Sverak, Danijela Vranić (2013)

Salty Taste – The Need or the Habit

Proceedings International 57th Meat Industry Conference

Meat and meat products – perspectives of sustainable production

Belgrade, Serbia, June 10-12th, 48-53

Kurcubic V., Maskovic P., Vujic J., Vranic D., Veskovic-Moracanin S., Okanović Dj., Lilic S. (2014)

Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of Kitaibelia vitifolia extract as alternative to the added nitrite in fermented dry sausage

Meat Science, 4, Vol. 97, 459-467

Kurcubic V., Maskovic P., Karan D., Veskovic-Moracanin S., Okanovic Dj., Lilic S., Dzinic N. (2014)

Sensory properties of sausage fortified by Kitaibelia vitifolia extract

Agro Food Industry Hi-Tech, 1, Vol. 25, 16-19

Lilić, S. Dimitrijević, T. Ilić (2013). Importance of coccidiosis in poultry production. Proceedings 10th International Symposium „Modern Trends in Livestock Production“ Belgrade, Serbia, 2-4 October, 261-278.

Lilić, D. Vranić (2015). Salt reduction in meat products – better and healthier future. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress, New Perspectives and Challenges of Sustainable Livestock Production, Belgrade, Serbia, October 7 – 9, 246-262.

Lilic S., Saicic S., Vranic D., Trbovic D., Borovic B., Velebit B., Lakicevic B. (2011). Salt and sodium content in dry fermented sausages and dried meat in Serbia. 57th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, 7-12th August, Ghent, Belgium, USB Proceedings, P382, 1-4

Lilić, D. Šefer, S. Dimitrijević, T. Ilić, S. Ivanović, V. Matekalo-Sverak (2011). Growth performances of broilers hybro G+ provenience. 3rd International Congress „New Perspectives and Challenges of Sustainable Livestock Production“, Belgrade-Zemun, Republic of Serbia, 5-7th October, Biotechnology in animal husbandry, Volume 27, 4, 1643-1648.

Slobodan Lilić, Branka Borović, Branko Velebit, Brankica Lakićević, Mladen Rašeta, Jelena Jovanović, Ivana Branković (2012). Microbial profile of dried pork produced with lower salt content. 6th Central European Congress on Food „CEFood Congress, 23rd-26th May, Novi Sad, Serbia, Proceedings, 856-860.

Slobodan Lilić, Nikola Stanišić, Dragica Karan, Mladen Rašeta, Ivana Branković, Jelena Jovanović, Mirjana Lukić (2012). Some parameters of dried pork produced with lower salt content. 6th Central European Congress on Food „CEFood Congress, 23rd-26th May, Novi Sad, Serbia, Proceedings, 775-779.

Djordje Okanović, Vladimir Kurćubić, Pavle Mašković, Marija Jokanović, Danijela Vranić, Slobodan Lilić, Natalija Džinić (2012). Influence of Kitaibelia vitifolia extract on colour and texture of sremska sausage. XV International Feed Technology Symposium, COST – „Feed for Health“ joing Workshop, 03-05 October, Novi Sad, Serbia, Proceedings, 166-171.

Ivana Branković-Lazić, Vladimir Korićanac, Miloš Pavlović, Slobodan Lilić, Danka Maslić-Strižak, Ljiljana Spalević, Zlatko Pejkovski (2013). Content of sodium chloride and sodium in burgers from retail. Proceedings, International 57th Meat Industry Conference, June 10-12, Belgrade, Serbia, 235-238.

Mirjana Milanović-Stevanović, Slobodan Lilić, Dragica Karan, Mirjana Lukić, Nenad Parunović, Jelena Babić, Srđan Stefanović (2013). Sensory perception of various sodium chloride and potassium chloride water solutions. Proceedings, International 57th Meat Industry Conference, June 10-12, Belgrade, Serbia, 226-230.

Nikola Stanišić, Milica Petrović, Nenad Parunović, Slobodan Lilić, Čedomir Radović, Marija Gogić, Maja Petričević (2013). Physicochemical properties of meat from three different pig breeds. Proceedings, International 57th Meat Industry Conference, June 10-12, Belgrade, Serbia, 190-193.

Lilić S., Branković I., Pavlović M., Borović B., Rašeta M., Spalević Lj., Maslić-Strižak D. (2014). Sensory properties of cevapcici produced with various chloride salts. Proceeding of II International Congress „Food Technology, Quality and Safety“, 385−390.

Lilić S., Matekalo-Sverak V., Vranić D., Karan D., Rašeta M., Nikolić D., Lukić M. (2014)

Possibility of use potassium chloride in the fresh sausages production. Proceeding of II International Congress „Food Technology, Quality and Safety“, 55−59.

Vladimir Kurćubić, Slobodan Lilić, Danijela Vranić, Branko Velebit, Branka Borović, Đorđe Okanović (2014). The effect of sodium reduction on the physico-chemical quality and safety of hot dogs. Proceeding of II International Congress „Food Technology, Quality and Safety“, 60-65.

Ivana Brankovic Lazic, Mladen Raseta , Dragica Nikolic , Mirjana Lukic , Dragica Karan, Slobodan Lilic (2015). Reducing the sodium chloride content in chicken pate by using potassium and ammonium chloride. International 58th Meat Industry Conference “Meat Safety and Quality: Where it goes?”.Procedia Food Science 5 ( 2015 ) 22 – 25.

Slobodan Lilic, Ivana Brankovic, Vladimir Koricanac, Danijela Vranic, Ljiljana Spalevic, Milos Pavlovic, Brankica Lakicevic ( 2015 ). Reducing sodium chloride content in meat burgers by adding potassium chloride and onion. International 58th Meat Industry Conference “Meat Safety and Quality: Where it goes?”. Procedia Food Science 5 ( 2015 ) 164 – 167.

Vladimir Kurćubić, Đorđe Okanović, Slobodan Lilić, Jasmina Gubić, Danijela Vranić (2015). The effect of sodium content reduction on colour of hot dogs. IV International Congress “Engineering, Environment and Materials in Processing Industry, Jahorina 04.03-06.03.2015., Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Ivanovic Snezana, Popov-Raljic Jovanka V, Baltic Milan Z, Zujovic Miroslav, Tomic Zorica, Lilic Slobodan, Pavlovic Ivan (2011). Chemical and sensory characteristics of Bunte Deutsche Edelziege and Balkan goat meat. African Journal of Biotechnology, Volume 10, 80, 18433-18439.

Lilić Slobodan, Matekalo-Sverak Vesna, Vranić Danijela (2012). Percepcija slanog ukusa i preferenca prema natrijum-hloridu. Tehnologija mesa, Volume 53, 2, 62–70.

Hengl B., M. Šperanda, T. Šperanda, G. Kralik, M. Đidara, S. Lilić (2012). Eterična ulja: utjecaj na tov brojlera, udio osnovnih dijelova u trupu i senzorna svojstva mesa. Meso, Volumen XIV, srpanj-kolovoz, 4, 312-315.

Pavlovski, Z. Škrbić, N. Stanišić, S. Lilić, B. Hengl, M. Lukić, V. Petričević (2013). Differences in fatty acid composition of meat between naked neck and two comercial broiler chicken breeds. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 29 (3), 467-476.

Lilić Slobodan, Branković Lazić Ivana, Jovanović Jelena, Matekalo-Sverak Vesna, Karan Dragica, Milanović-Stevanović Mirjana, Lukić Mirjana (2013). Mogućnosti proizvodnje pileće jetrene paštete sa smanjenim sadržajem natrijum-hlorida. Tehnologija mesa, 54, 2, 144-149.

Stanišić, N. Parunović, M. Petrović, Č. Radović, S. Lilić, S. Stajić, M. Gogić (2014). Changes in chemical and physicochemical characteristics during the production of tradiotional sremska sausage. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 30 (4), 705-715.

Šarčević Danijela, Lilić Slobodan, Vranić Danijela (2014). Redukcija soli u ishrani ljudi – globalna strategija u 21. veku. Tehnologija mesa, 55, 2, 162-168

Đorđe Okanović, Vladimir Kurćubić, Slobodan Lilić, Jasmina Grubić, Branka Borović (2015). The influence of sodium reduction on the quality and safety of hot dogs.Quality of life, 6 (1-2):25-31